David P.
Senior Pastor
International Speaker
Though true commendation will come from the Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant”, I am honored to give my words of recommendation for the Director of Frontline Resources. I began a working relationship with him in the 1980s. From that day until now, though he has encountered many hard turns on his road of life, I have seen a persistent and yet gentle spirit guiding him along that road. His love and passion for the people of Asia has been a deep current of motivation through these years. His commitment to train and raise up Christian leaders in a number of Asian countries, and to relate honestly and with accountability with partners in ministry, at home and in ARNA, is commendable. Yet, as a family man, he has insisted on a balance between ministry in Asia and ministry to his family.
Founder/Director — Int’l Missons/Cross Cultural Ministry Training & Equipping Organization
International Speaker
“It’s been my privilege to have known the Director of Frontline Resources for over 25 years as a Christian leader. I have the highest respect for him, as I have watched the way God has directed his heart toward training up leaders in Asia. He is uniquely gifted for this purpose because of his experience and knowledge. What is needed to train people in the volatile countries of the Far East is long-term consistency and adaptability. Frontline Resource’s leader has both. His heart is very much ‘for’ the people of ARNA and ‘in’ the work of Frontline Resources. I am confident that his level of leadership serves this organization extremely well”
Sr. Pastor
International Speaker
I commend the ministry of Frontline Resource’s Director and that of Frontline Resources for its tireless and culturally sensitive work. The Director’s commitment to remain faithful to the cause of training leaders and bringing practical ministry development to the Church in access-restricted Asia has borne real fruit. Moreover, Frontline Resource’s Director has taken on the valuable task of raising awareness of that Church’s plight in the West. I have watched him over the past ten years continue to grow in his vision, passion, gifting and skill. Quite frankly, I know of very few people who are as well equipped or as savvy about this area of the world and what God is doing there.
C. Manson
Missions/Cross-cultural Ministry Consultant
NOTE: Since it is important to protect our endorsees and/or those associated with them, their full identities are not disclosed here.. However, they are available by request through:frontlineresources@frontlineresources.com.
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