
Acquaint Western World believers with the challenges facing the suffering church in specific access-restricted Asian and Himalayan countries

Inform the same of opportunities available to help and to equip our suffering family.

Facilitate responses to those opportunities.

Encourage and equip the saints of the free world to equip the saints of this area of the restricted world.

Philosophy of Ministry

We deliberately limit our staff and infrastructure by working with other organizations and individuals to maximize our impact.

Staff are volunteers only so NO funds are diverted to salaries.

This more leverage/less infrastructure approach lets us be more effective providers instead of organization builders, multiplying every dollar given to Frontline Resources.

We hope you will consider leveraging your own kingdom investments through our organization.                       

Who We Are

Frontline Resources exists to encourage and equip the saints living under persecution in Access Restricted Nations where old threats remain, and new threats are rapidly emerging. Often referred to as “Behind the Bamboo Curtain”.

What We Do

Frontline Resources provides seminars and training as requested by National partners as well as Bibles and study materials. Outreach funds are given for evangelism purposes, lively-hood projects, and mercy funds to the persecuted, including imprisoned pastors and their families. We work with partners to provide safety and education to combat human trafficking, as well as emergency relief.

Where We Do It

Frontline Resources works in SE Asia including Myanmar (formerly called Burma), NE India and areas of the Himalayas.  Moreover, we have strong ministry opportunity connections in Bhutan and the Phillipines.

How We Do It

By the grace of God, through long-standing side-by-side relationship and ministry history with key National believers and through your prayers, financial support and/or through your on-the-ground ministry activity.

Everything we do for persecuted and at-risk believers is at the request of pastors indigenous to the countries and numerous people groups they represent.

Everything we do on-the-ground in access-restricted areas is done “with locals, in their ministry areas, for locals”.

NOTE: Additional detail is not safe to publish on the “World Wide Web” because it is accessible to all with Internet access – including persecutors of Christians.  For more information and to discover how you can help minister to our suffering Family in Christ, please email us at